The Mythical Creatures BodyPainting Series with Anna Lingis
Posted on February 03 2015

Hey Guys, Zoe here again, Head of Make-up Artistry for Crownbrush UK. Today I wanted to show you the behind the scenes photographs from the second part of The Mythical Creatures Bodypainting Series. If you missed the first theme, check that out here in our previous blog post.
So our previous theme was a Mythical Dragon and this time around, myself and super talented body painter Anna Lingis, decided to create Medusa.
Who or what is Medusa I hear you ask?
Medusa comes from ancient Greek Mythology. she was known as a beautiful, but monstrous human with living snakes growing out of her hair. If on lookers were to look her directly in the eyes, they would turn into stone.
What we did to create Mythical Creatures Bodypainting series
Anna came up with a genius idea of using hose pipe in our model’s hair to represent the snakes. We then painted her skin into scales and added further detail with the air brushing system and stencils. Anna stuck on small rubber snakes to the face and painted over these for a little bit more detail. Our model Antigoni, then had to hold two real live snakes for the final photographs. The snakes were called Jake and Dexter. I was absolutely petrified but managed to hold one too. They were great to work with and the final images look brilliant with these two guys in there too.
Once again we used make-up brushes from here at Crownbrush and all of the face paints were from The Face Painting Shop. A full behind the scenes video will be coming soon!
Can you guess what the next theme will be?
The post The Mythical Creatures BodyPainting Series with Anna Lingis appeared first on Crown Brush News & Events.